On Tuesday the 24th we caught up with the Terramor Public File. This was a chance to go through all the contents from the start, and also to see what had come in since the last large submissions in early December.
The vast majority of submissions were letters in opposition to the project from individual citizens. I counted over 120 in opposition and 3 in favor (all from folks who have business relationships with Terramor in Maine). There were also many letters from the entities from whom we heard at the Terramor Public Informational session on January 17th.
We have added a new sub-folder to the Shared Google Drive of all documents from the Public File. The new folder is called “Public Correspondence” and it can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1I9QzeELwSM4T3mYjyOUaUYfGdfD4dOts?usp=sharing
Here are a few of documents just added to the “Public Correspondence” sub-folder:
2023 01 17 Stuart Auchincloss Address at Terramor Informational Session
2023 01 17 Sierra Club Address to Terramor Public Informational Session
2023 01 17 Laura Ricci address to Public Informational Session
2023 01 17 Doug Harberer address to Terramor Informational Session
2023 01 17 Catskill Mountainkeeper address to Terramor Public Informational Session
2023 01 15 Aylah Frank One fire pit letter to Saugerties PB
2023 01 06 Sierra Club letter to Saugerties PB
2023 01 06 Overlook Mountain Center letter to Saugerties PB
2022 12 19 WJC Letter to Saugerties PB
2022 12 19 Local mom and pop glamping owners letter to Saugerties PB
2022 12 19 Citizens Against Terramor letter to Saugerties PB
2022 11 15 Woodstock Day School letter to Saugerties PB
2022 11 14 Woodstock Land Conservancy letter to Saugerties PB
2022 07 11 Mark Kanter letter to Saugerties PB
2022 07 09 Dawn Greer letter to Saugerties PB
As we’ve noted before, you can find hundreds more documents in the folder called “Terramor One Copy of all documents sequentially dated SORT BY NAME for chronological list” and it can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19UMi-g3Kqng5l2SKKB8POGecUbdcK40M?usp=sharing
A note about these submissions to the Public File: These are public submissions and thus contain people’s emails and other identifying information. Please do not be a jerk and do not use these public submissions to harass or harm folks participating in the process. Remember the Golden Rule…