Saugerties Planning Board releases agenda for January 17th, 2023 meeting – Terramor Informational Session is 2nd on agenda

The Saugerties Planning Board has released the agenda for the January 17th, 2023 meeting.

The Terramor informational session is second on the agenda. It is listed under the “Public Hearings” rubric, even though it is very particularly not a formal Public Hearing (that will come later).

As we have noted previously, this informational session will take the shape of speaker slots, each slot strictly limited to five minutes.

Here is a list of subjects which we know will be covered by individual speakers:
1. Sierra Club and will speak about wetlands and habitat loss 
2. Woodstock Land Conservancy and will speak about wetlands and habitat loss endangered species habitat 
3. Hydrologist, will focus on the water issues and the well testing
4. Woodstock Day School and has expressed concerns about pesticides, smoke and traffic endangering the lives of their 200 students
5. Woodstock Jewish Congregation has been confirmed’ and they will focus on wastewater and the sacred pond
6. Representative of CAT will speak about what Terramor will NOT give the Saugerties community
7. CAT attorney has been confirmed as a speaker with topics TBD
8. A Saugerties neighbor on 212 will speak about the gag order he was asked to sign when Terramor wanted to use his property to gain access to the Terramor land
9. Catskill Mountain Keeper will speak.
10. [Redacted] will speak to wastewater treatment
11. [Redacted] will speak about water contamination from the nearby superfund site
12. [Redacted] will speak about traffic
14. [Redacted] will speak as a Woodstock board member and concerned citizen
15. [Redacted] TBD- possibly recreational smoke
14. [Redacted] will share slides showing that tents are not temporary 
15. [Redacted] will speak about broadband

These are only the speakers of which this site is aware. There may be others. This will almost certainly NOT be the running order of the speakers. Some speakers may also choose to use their time to ask questions of the Board.

As always, it is important that all interested parties attend the session, even if they are not on the speakers’ list. The more people showing interest in the session, the more the Planning Board will take notice. Having said that, it is equally important that attendees respect the process and maintain decorum during the session. Outbursts and audible asides will not go down well with the Board and will only delay what will be a long evening for all involved.

We once again encourage interested parties to look at the “Write a Letter” page here ( Anybody can write a letter to the Board at any time, about any subject. If you did not get signed up to speak, you can write a letter.

Here is the agenda as it was on Thursday January 12th, 2023:

You can see the agenda page for the Saugerties Planning Board at: