Further analysis questions usefulness of Terramor Saugerties Catskills’ Well-Water Studies

On December 20th, Paul Rubin, hydrologist, supplied the Saugerties Planning Board with additional analysis of the CT Male (Terramor’s well-water contractor) submission from November 6th. CT Male’s submission was a smaller part of a larger Extended EAF submission.

The new document is labelled “Appendix B: Supplement to HydroQuest December 5, 2022 report titled: Proposed Terramor Glamping Project: Hydrologic and Land Use Based Justification for Issuance of a Positive SEQRA Declaration

In short, the analysis shows that the claims made by Terramor (that there is enough water available and that neighbors’ will not be overly adversely affected by the project and its water requirements) are suspect at the least, and built on deficient data.

A very strong case is made once again for a “positive declaration” for SEQRA purposes. And that it is not yet time for a Public Hearing

HydroQuest-Mid-Hudson Geosciences Appendix B

This submission can also be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XSTyqVfS3qq7RbqJrensnZJGtuUNgtHs/view?usp=share_link

This submission has been added to the Google Drive file with all other public documents here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19UMi-g3Kqng5l2SKKB8POGecUbdcK40M?usp=sharing