Saugerties Planning Board consultants react to Terramor December 6th submission

Nelson Pope Voorhis (NPV) are the Town of Saugerties Planning Department consultants. A member of their team provides guidance to the Board at each meeting and also provides comments about submissions made to the Board. These comments are intended to help the Board in its work to makes sure that development in Saugerties is rational, benefits the Town, and conforms to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

Previously, NPV have offered comments on each of Terramor’s submissions. The Board’s protocol requires that developers systematically address each concern raised by the Board and its consultants. Thus, the December Terramor submission (detailed here) sought to address concerns raised in the NPV comments from August 1st (here). Now we have the NPV memo about the Terramor December 6th submission. The comments were prepared for the December 20th Planning Board meeting and are dated December 14th. The memo reprises the previous commentary and adds (in bold) new comments (noted as 12/20) referencing the new Terramor submission. It’s a little tricky to navigate, but an attentive reader should soon pick up the flow. Later in the document NPV offers comments about the expanded EAF submitted for the December meeting.

Of particular note:

  • Page 4 of 12: The 12/20 comment reiterates a comment from 8/14 wherein NPV makes a point of pointing out severe inaccuracies in Terramor’s claims about a previously permitted subdivision on this land. They further explain that the land in question may be considered “constrained” and then go on to carefully discuss various claims made about the allowable uses.
  • Page 6 of 12: The 12/20 comment reiterates the comment from 8/14 about the expected demographics of the guests.
  • Note the revision of the Notice of Intent letter to include the Zoning board of Appeals

Here is the text of the Review:

This document has also been added to the folder containing all documents so far: