Things continue to move slowly on the South Peak front, but they are
moving. It looks as though the development’s official Stormwater
Management Plan will be finalised within the next week. while the
formal public comment period may be over, there is still plenty we can
do to let the planning board know of our issues our questions.
I asked Ric at New World Home Cooking for the favor of some free space
for us to have a meeting on Saturday. I chose 1pm but if that is very
difficult for many folks, I guess we can change it.
I have also told Richard Rothe of the meeting and he said that he
would be happy to come and to answer questions. If we invite him, that
is. While he is obviously not going to debate the *fact* of the
development as a whole (i.e. “should it happen at all, any of it?”),
he will answer other issues. If folks think that this is a potentially
productive idea, I will invite him.
After he has left (if he comes), I propose that we talk amongst
ourselves and investigate the possiblity of a more formal association
with a view to talking with a lawyer and possibly hiring one.
I have made up a flyer and propose to distribute it through the
neighborhood on Thursday.
Comments appreciated.
Here is the text of the flyer I have uploaded to the “Files” section
of the yahoo group.
Neighborhood Meeting
for neighbors of the proposed
South Peak Subdivision
41 houses / plots to be located on NW corner of Rt.212 + Glasco Tpke.
(behind Osnas Ln. / Cottontail Ln.)
Proposed topics include:
*the current state of the development process
*drainage issues
*an opportunity to ask questions of the site engineer
*getting together a more “official” group
*exploring legal options
1pm Saturday January 29 2005
New World Home Cooking (side room) Rt. 212 Saugerties
call 845 679 9907 or email
(originally published on the Yahoo Groups site Jan 26, 2005)