South Peak Developers’ Engineers Letter to NYSDOT 05-10-11 South Peak Drainage Re NYS Route 212 (pdf)
Attached to this letter in the Public File are:
1) A letter dated August 16 2007 to Dewkett Engineering from NYSDOT approving submitted site plans dated May 14 and August 15 2007.
2) A letter dated September 8 2010 from Ulster County DPW to Erdman Anthony Engineers saying that the August 2 2010 revisions to the SWPPP appear to conform. The letter is reproduced here: UCDPW Sept 8 2010 Letter to EA Re SWPPP (pdf)
3) The March 24 letter from the Town engineers, Brinnier & Larios, to the Planning Board saying that the October 22 revisions to the SWPPP satisfy local and state requirements.