Over the last few weeks we have visited Saugerties Town Hall and filed FOIL requests for copies of documents from the Terramor Public file. Today we have three new documents from various times during the process. We are now up to date with the Public file, at least until July 26th.
From June 30 and received by the Saugerties Planning Board on July 11th, we have a short memo from C.T. Male Associates to Terramor. This technical memorandum provides the preliminary basis of design for the water system at the proposed Terramor Outdoor Resort in Saugerties, Ulster County, New York.
Water Supply Biological Oxygen Demand Report 7-1-22 (136K .pdf)
From July 8 we have Terramor’s application to the Army Corps of Engineers for a Approved JD. Here they are asking the ACOE to approve their wetlands delineation. They enumerate the number and nature of wetlands on site, which are tributaries to the waters of the US, and which are not. This is a highly technical 70 page report featuring maps and particular descriptions of various wetlands on the site.
Terramor Wetlands Delineation Report and AJD Application to Army Corps (25 MB .pdf)
Finally, from July 19th we have the Saugerties Planning Board SEQRA Notice of Intent to become Lead Agency. As discussed at the July 19th meeting, the Board distributed this notice of intent the list of agencies enumerated on the third page.
NOI Saugerties Planning Board – Final 7-19-22 (64 kb .pdf)