As of this writing (June 14, 2011) the minutes from the March 2011 meeting are not yet posted. So the items below are as related to me by various people who were at the meeting.
The new developers said that they wanted to move to a phased development schedule. They proposed a proposed a three-phase schedule. Off-site drainage improvements were to handled during the last phase of construction.
The Planning Board said that the Osnas Lane drainage improvements should be moved to phase one. To help this along, the Board allowed for one more house to be added to Phase One (if the developer wanted it). It was suggested that the new engineers visit the Osnas Lane area to check the conditions in the field.
The roads in Phase One and Two were to be terminated in temporary cul-de-sac turning circles, to Town code.
There was discussion of the easements required for work on Osnas Lane. It was decided that the Town would seek easements from affected property owners so that the work could be done. Apparently it was not known that there is already a 10 foot Town easement for the affected areas. A 20 foot easement will be sought. (I think that it is likely that the easement will revert to 10 feet once the work is completed.)
When the minutes for the meeting are posted I will link to them.