Planning Board Meeting Minutes November 16 2004 (pdf)
1. Major-South Peak / 2 12 Developers-Rt. 21 2-Opened public hearing at 7:4 1 p.m.-Maps
presented by Richard Rothe-41 lots, single family homes, access off town spec. road fiom Rt.
2 12 and Cottontail. All loop roads, no cul-de-sacs. Wetlands are delineated-storm water study ‘
in review with 3 ponds for run-off. When complete the neighbors should benefit with less
flooding than they have now. Has set backs and septics are in process of being approved. Lot
number could be reduced. Comments as follows:
Mark Pisani-spokes pson for neighborhood-discussed concerns with water rup-off, Well
problems some neighbors had to dig new Well due to two new homes built, flooding issues now
so this will make more flooding problems, how many ponds will it take, what is the size of
houses, there is water running now, Wells are shallow and some are sulphur.
Rothe explained that all houses and driveways are taken into consideration when preparing EAF
and storm water report.
Pisani- what about the Army Corps Rothe- wetlands have been delineated, a letter is
being drafted to the Army Corps to come and visit site.
Pisani-what about the community property set aside. Rothe-2 acres remain open space and will
have an access to pond. Homeowner’s Assoc. will own.
Pisani-how much profit will you receive and what is the price of the lots and houses.
Rothe-Will do market research, that is not the engineering aspect of this project.
Pisani-reviewing the long EAF you submitted: On land formations, no lands formations what do
you call the cliffs on the property. Rothe- they are ledges. Pisani-noise pollution, Well
testing. Rothe-no noise ordinance in Saugerties and will test and monitor Wells and maybe
neighbors as well. Pisani- what about community services like fire trucks, ambulances. Rothe
explained fire company right down the road.
Pisani-Tdc addition and speed and site distance. Rothe-the traffic study showed no
significant impact and Town Engineer will review this report. DOT is reviewing Have
neighbors asked for a reduction of 55 speed limit that would be better then just one person. Have
no problem with that.
William Bivins-there is a 26 inch culvert on Onsas Lane that?Ioods and is fast running water.
Rothe-that is a stream and would need a stream crossing permit to do anything with that. Can try
and work with Town to correct it. This project should not have impact on that. The drainage
study will have many people reviewing it. Thinks this will improve the situations out there now.
Jack Clarke-lives 50ft. from Rt. 212 and traffic is dangerous now-80 more cars twice a day is
significant with 55mph speed.
Creen-State DOT would have to approve and all agencies are reviewing the studies.
Mark Cantor-said it is only zoned for 2 acre parcels because there are a lot of wetlands and
cannot be developed. The 5 lots along his property’ line are right next to the wetlands.
Rothe-explained wetlands regulations.
Cantor-wants wildlife to be preserved, there is a family of bear and deer on that property, does
not want all the trees taken down.
Rothe-will leave as much area wild as possible.
Jeff Cohen-flooded all the time. What agency can stop this. This is above us and will only make
things worse. Have only lived here for 6 months and if he knew that would not have moved here.
Creen again explained run-off and pond theory that will control run-off.
Pisani-what about the Wells. Creen-Well will be tested.
Bivins-Wells are very shallow, not deep Wells all run-off water.
Deb Zucker-provided flooding pictures. Water table is high. Her Well has been contaminated by
deer. Her Realtor said that property could not be developed. What about traffic safety. . .
Creen-this is a Town road and cannot be widened. I i
Zucker-use Cottontail as only an emergency access.
Rothe-that would be fine. ..
Creen-fire roads would need a chain across.
Joann Vansickle-thereis solid rock in back of her. Would drilling Wells damage her foundation.
Creen-no problem should be OK.
Cohen-now with one entrance more traffic problems, some agency should be able to stop this.
Creen-DOT will look at site distance.
Pisani-what is next step. Can they have an extended time period if they hire an attorney so he
can review this material.
Consultant- you can certainly do that. Creen-Cannot extend time you will have all the time it
takes for all the agencies to review material and the Planning Board to make its decision.
A motion by Post, seconded by Furman to close the hearing at 8:50p.m. All in favor, none
opposed, carried. Did not receive receipt cards.