Saugerties Town Planning Board Minutes April 17 2007 (pdf)
Minor-Rt. 212 Developers / South Peak-Rt. 212-Maps presented by Robert Capowski Status-DOT still under review. DEC still in review-stream disturbance. Army Corps was submitted for flagging. Town Eng. Reviewing drainage for Osnas Lane and structure on Cottontail Rd. Will put in 24in. pipes for Osnas Lane and improved drainage. Cottontail Rd.-road topped-asphalt overlay and updating pipe. Discussed letter to Planning Bd. dated April 17, 2007 from Dewkett (did not receive yet). Wetlands have been flagged and need Corps to approve. Will comply with Ulster Co. Pl. Bd. comments. Lot 13 has been eliminated. Mark Pisani-speaking for neighbors – all concerns seem to be answered except for Cohen still issues with the 3 houses above him. Creen-will berm that area. Capowski-will dig a ditch if neighbors want but not getting involved any deeper. Pisani-Town should maintain. Planning Bd. discussed a Pos or Neg Dec. A motion by Collins, seconded by Hayes for a Neg Dec. All in favor, none opposed, carried. Creen-there are a lot of conditions for approval. A motion by Post, seconded by Bruno to grant Preliminary Plat approval, waive submission of Final Plat and grant Conditional Final approval pending curb cut approvals, Town Eng. Stormwater approval, Wetland delineation, Health Dept. approval, stream disturbance permit, construction of off-site drainage improvement in conjunction with Town Eng. And Town Highway and Town Bd. approval of Stormwater Management District. All in favor, none opposed, carried. Chazen will complete Neg Dec for signature.
This was the grant of Conditional Final approval for the South Peak Development. All further work is based on this grant. Conditions included completion off-site drainage plans, storm water, drainage, wells and other permissions.