Saugerties Town Planning Board Minutes February 20 2007 (pdf)
This was a large, well attended meeting at which many residents gave their opinions.
Major-South Peak/212 Developers-Rt. 212-opened public hearing at 8:40p. Maps presented by Bob Capowski. Subidivision-24 houses with 4 bedrooms and separate Wells and septics. Town Road from Rt. 212 to Cottontail. Contacted Army Corps for Federal wetland encroachments on 3 wetland areas. Contacted DEC for protected stream under Osnas Lane. Needs permit to cross stream. Access and road is right on lot line off Rt. 212. Needs Health Dept. and Town Engineer approvals. There are 6 points of discharge water off site and will show 10 and 100 year storm chart. Showed drainage by Osnas Lane and Cottontail access. There are undersized drainage pipes on both of these accesses now. Letters were read from concerned neighbors and also received a few letters from neighbors in attendance. All concerned with drainage (flooding), Town Road, wildlife, mosquitoes, and blasting. Mark Pisani read letter from Jeff Cohen concerned with drainage of ridge runoff which drains into his house is now running up hill on map!! Capowski-designed for longest flow path for peak flow and explained and also told him where the developing would take place. Discussed digging a ditch at bottom of ridge. Pisani read his letter concerned with drainage, traffic and environment; Osnas Lane-stream floods due to undersized culvert pipe which needs to be fixed; Homeowner’s Assoc. to watch drainage ponds, if Assoc. fails will Town form a District and take over (fees for taxpayers); and Cottontail width as interior Town Rd. will be wider. Capowski-reviewing that –new road narrower-will drive slower, signs stating narrower road ahead-will discuss with Highway Superintendent. Creen-road has to be 1bonded. Pisani-concerned with oil heating tanks if above or beneath the ground. Creencodes are very strict. Pisani-should test Wells by Cottaintail side before, during and after construction as they are all shallow Wells. Creen-those older Wells need to be drilled deeper and people who have shallow Wells are doing that now. Bill Bivins-concerned with contamination of his Well with all construction up hill from his property. Capowski-Health Dept. requires test holes and has erosion plans and hopes construction management follows it. Pisani-Site distance on Rt. 212. Capowski-500ft. site distance and DOT might make them clear in ROW. Pisani-fix distance by clearing not moving the access and what about just one way road. Creen-getting into to much detail, that is DOT’s approvals. Pisani-recommends Planning Bd. makes a Pos Dec as there is too much up in the air. Creen-they have to prepare a full EAF, that is part of the process. Jack Clark-read letter concerns that new system is going into older system and needs to fix older before continuing new system and needs to bond in case there is a problem. Capowski-never been done before. Creen-Engineering firms are liable. Clark-his letter stated he lost a lot of money with flooding in his house and Town should be responsible. Neighbor has a big sink hole where a school bus stop is located and they have a daycare center. Need to fix culvert on Osnas Lane first. Creen-we cannot do anything but give us the letters stating the culvert problem and we will forward to responsible people.
Another neighbor stated that Cottontail was going to be for an emergency access only.
Creen-that is a problem as a development should have more than one access. Pisani where will they store construction equipment. Capowski-have not decided yet but will be
shown on final map. Pisani-what about trucks with all the yards of rock to be cut for
slope. Capowski-100’s of truck loads but regarding so that does not happen, looking to
flatten hills to cut down truck traffic but would use Rt. 212 access. Bivins-blasting
concerns and if he will be notified. Capowski-looks like he can tear through but not
guaranteeing and will be notified within a certain radius if they blast. Joanne Van Sickle when will construction start. Capowski-Spring of 08. Creen-depends on this process,
when he receives approvals. Clark-wanted ponds explained. Capowski and Creen
explained how they slow down runoff. Brigit Refregler-concerned with herd trail,
animals environment and traffic light on Rt. 212. Creen-depends if DOT wants a light.
Capowski-there are no endangered species, had to review that also. Diane, a neighbor-
suggested that the hearing stay open and to declare a Pos Dec. Creen-explained that they can still submit new concerns in a letter form to be added to file and to check Web when they will be on the next agenda. A motion by Collins, seconded by Post to close hearing at 9:45p.m. All in favor, none opposed, carried. A motion by Collins, seconded by Post for Town Planning Board to be Lead Agency and Chazen send out letters. All in favor, none opposed, carried. Received receipt cards.