Saugerties Town Planning Board Minutes December 19 2006 (pdf)
Major-212 Developers, LLC / South Peak-Rt. 212-Maps presented by Robert
Capowski-24 building lots. Construct a Town road through to Cottontail to Rt. 212.
Comments discussed were grade of road highest is 10%- more houses on higher dryer
land for better septic which is on crest of hill. There are 7 retention ponds on individual
owned lots. Development will pay to maintain and develop on one phase. Finishing up
SWPPP and need permit for stream disturbance. Submit full long Seqr. Army Corps
reviewing wetlands (3 wetlands). Will disturb 1/3 of an acre and will re-create a wetland.
Need curb cut updates. Chris Round-discussed access for Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 grading of
10% slope, can revise and reduce lots for stormwater ponds and there is a lot of roadway
maybe you can phase it. Also prove that you will not be flooding Oasis Rd.
Capowski- were going to have loops but through road is better. Will have surveyor
review Oasis Rd. but feels it is because the culvert pipe should be at 3ft. Round- show
Town Hwy. for them to fix. A motion by Furman, seconded by Hayes to have Town of
Saugerties Planning Bd. be Lead Agency. All in favor, none opposed, carried.