Saugerties Town Planning Board Minutes September 19 2006

Saugerties Town Planning Board Minutes September 19 2006 (pdf)

1. Major-212 Developer / South Peak-Rt. 212, Glasco Turnpike and Cottontail Rd.-Maps
presented by Kathy Dewkett-Prior submission was for 41 lots now for 24 lots of 3 ¼
acres each. Has reduced pavement and made the road one through loop. Delineated
wetlands and has submitted to Army Corps. DEC has approved perk tests. Drainage
plan is in process. Has prior curb cut but if changing location will need to reapply.
Cottontail Rd. is a Town road. Creen has suggested that they improve to Town specs all
the way through. Talk to Highway Department to improve whole road from Rt. 212 thru
Cottontail to Glasco Turnpike. A neighbor discussed the Town Highway improve
Osnas Lane which gets flooded alot now, do all at once. Dewkett said ponds for
drainage by wetlands to get stormwater off property might be helpful for Osnas Lane,
though correcting Osnas Lane is not part of this project they can see if the wet area can be
helped by adding a larger pipe. A motion by Creen, seconded by Post to grant sketch
approval and schedule a public hearing when Planning Board has been notified. All in
favor, none opposed, carried.